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Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Want to hear some wonderful news for a change? Transpersonal hypnotherapy and hypnosis benefits every area of your life!

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From asthma and allergies to stress management, weight loss, and pain relief, hypnotherapy and hypnosis benefits your health and wellness in myriad ways and at the deepest levels of your body, mind and spirit.

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We are meant to enjoy life! A sense of wealth and abundance are signs of a happy person. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can show you the deep well of your own natural enjoyment of life, and teach you to tap into the source of all wealth and prosperity.

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Whether you’re working to improve your athletic ability or academic performance, or seeking more sexual intimacy and less stress, hypnosis and hypnotherapy can have a profound and immediate positive impact on your life.

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Our sexual nature is a natural and important part of our human nature. By strengthening affirmative messages about this aspect of who we are, hypnotherapy and hypnosis benefits all aspects of sexual intimacy.

When addictions or emotional issues are rooted in past lives, hypnotherapy and hypnosis can help you connect the dots and move toward healing and resolution.

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Whether you want more intimacy with your partner or spouse or respect from your children or other family members, hypnotherapy and hypnosis benefits relationships. New bonds of trust are formed, couples can heal and families grow stronger together.

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Our emotions make life interesting and dynamic, but they also give us trouble. Hypnotherapy is especially effective at overcoming fears and phobias, working with grief and loss, healing trauma, anger management and overcoming depression.