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Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Distance Learning

Certification in Hypnosis Training and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy NLP

Apply these Insights & Techniques in Every Area of Your Life for Joy & Success!

The Institute for Therapeutic Learning offers two Certification Options: 

1) Distance Learning Online Certification Course [6 Phases]:

  • Finding True Magic: Transpersonal Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy/NLP, by Jack Elias, is the course textbook. Available for purchase here and at Amazon.
  • 80 hours of Audio recorded at live trainings. Listen to a curated selection of rapid clearing interactions between Jack and students.
  • 6 Videos (mp4)–– one video per phase of the Course. Watch Jack demonstrating the principal techniques of each phase
  • Homework Protocols per Phase: written test, mp3s outline, & practice sessions using scripted techniques 
  • Six 1-hour tutorials with Jack Elias, one tutorial for each of the six phases of the course. Tuition details below.
  • 5 required books – reading and written reports

2) Distance Learning Virtual Certification Course [6 Phases plus 12 hours of recorded  Zoom classes with Jack Elias]

  • This option adds a 2-hour prerecorded Zoom class for each of the 6 phases of the Course
  • The additional $2400 tuition for the Zoom Class videos will be reduced to $1000 when purchased with the Certification course. You save $1400.00 meaning that your total Course Tuition is only $4265.00 [$3265 (DL) + $1000(Zoom)].
  • Details and Registration here.

What Topics are Included in our Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Distance Learning Course?

Below you can review a partial list of topics covered in each of the 6 phases of the Finding True Magic Transpersonal Hypnotherapy NLP Distance Learning ( Independent Study ) course. The per-phase course option should be taken in sequence, as the material is not strictly compartmentalized from phase to phase. For example, NLP and Ericksonian principles and their correlation with transpersonal perspectives pervade the entire course. It is important to experience the developmental flow of the class from day to day.

You can also watch Jack Elias describe all 6 Phases of the Distance Learning course in the clips on our YouTube channel. In the clip above, Jack and his students talk about what makes the FTM course different from others:

What may look basic or elementary in the Finding True Magic Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Distance Learning Course outline may not be elementary for you at all — due to the integrated transpersonal perspectives brought to bear, based on the instructor’s over 50 years of study and practice of Eastern meditative traditions.

These new and unusual perspectives are what make the course suitable even for trained hypnotherapists who may look at the curriculum headings and think, “I’ve already learned that.”

Since 1988 many highly trained hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners and traditionally trained psychotherapists have been happily surprised at the new depths of conceptual clarity, emotional intelligence, and technical competency they have achieved by taking this course.

For complete details, download our free Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Course Catalog.

Certification and Non-certification Options

Finding True Magic Transpersonal Hypnotherapy NLP is a radical synthesis of Eastern and Western views and techniques applied to the art and discipline of transformative communication. It weaves together  these concepts:

  • Depth Hypnosis
  • Regression Therapy
  • Past-life Therapy
  • Inner Child Healing & Maturation
  • Subpersonality Integration
  • Archetypal Transformational Processes
  • Neuro-Linguistic Processing
  • Ericksonian Hypnosis
  • Quantum Hypnosis
  • Entity Releasing
  • Shadow Work
  • Comprehensive Treatment Planning
  • Transpersonal Hypnosis Integration and more . . .

Tuition Cost for the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy NLP

Distance Learning Courses

Certification Option:  $3265

  • Online Course includes 80 hours of Audio Instruction(mp3) + 9 hours of Video Instruction (mp4) = homework assignments + tutorials with Jack Elias. In addition, purchase Finding True Magic textbook and approximately $145 for the required books. All available at Finding True Magic also available here.
  •  Supercharge this option by adding: Spontaneous Solutions Video Distance Learning Course:
    Recorded at the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP 2009 Summer Intensive. 30 video hours of instruction, discussion, and demonstrations with Jack Elias.  Buy it with either the Finding True Magic Distance Learning Certification or Non-Certification Option. Adds only $800.00 to your tuition! (Save $700!) Use this training to earn additional certification hours.

Non-Certification Option: $2210

  • Online Course includes 80 hours of Audio Instruction(mp3) + 9 hours of Video Instruction (mp4). Finding True Magic textbook can be purchased here and at Live/ virtual instruction with Jack Elias is not included.
  • Students who initially purchase the Non-Certification Option ($2210) and then decide to switch to the Certification Option, pay an additional $250 per Phase for each of the 6 phases of the Distance Learning Certification Option ($1500 total) adding the homework evaluation and tutorial time for each phase. 

Virtual Certification Option: $4265.00

  • Distance Learning + Zoom classroom videos ($1400 savings!) Details here.
Select your life-transforming training option below and begin!

DL Enrollment Options