Hypnosis & Eastern Philosophy of India
Eastern philosophies affirm that the Supreme Power is all-pervasive and manifests the universe with its very own substance, within its very own being. From this philosophical point of view, we are not separate from the Supreme Power. In truth, we are nothing but the Supreme Power, simultaneously manifesting as our own being, and as every other being and object in the universe.
It is possible to have a direct experience of your own sacred nature through the use of hypnotic techniques. Actually, this is the point at which hypnosis becomes “de-hypnosis”, in that by using hypnotic techniques we can get free from the hypnotic trance of being our limited, flawed self, and wake up to the magnificence of our true being.
Learn about “Developing True Heart Intuition & Self-Integration” in this popular Finding True Magic Audio Set.
Article: “The Nature of the Egoic Mind” by Jack Elias, CHT